Social changes start from a single, small step taken by individuals. M・A UGG Team Lead
Knowing the fashion industry in and out
Before joining UGG, I had worked part-time in the apparel industry for two companies.I genuinely like serving customers and was thinking of continuously working in this industry, but after I saw the documentary film titled THE TRUE COST, there was definitely a shift in my thinking. It showed how companies tried to provide make and sell products as fast and as cheaply as possible, in order to make profit. I understand this is one of the management strategies of companies, but I was speechless when I saw how much the earth and people are sacrificed behind the hasty mass production. I couldn't help but think I must do something. If my involvement in the apparel industry could reduce the burden on the harsh working environment and the global environment, even if only a little, I would be able to do something. Such two thoughts made me join UGG. Deckers, based in the United States, clearly states that social contribution has been at the core of its business from the start of its brand. Coexistence with the global environment is incorporated as a part of its business activity. There is an excellent welfare system for working staff members, nurturing a culture to respect employees’ private lives. I feel strongly that I want to become a person who spreads values back to society through my experiences at UGG.

Leaving UGG and going to Germany, a country with a progressive approach to social issues.
While I was working at UGG, my desire to actually experience various social issues throughout the world grew larger, and I decided to study in Germany, which is a front-running nation in such area. My direct manager at that time supported my decision and backed me up. I found it to be a wonderful place to work that pushed me not only to grow at UGG, but also to grow as a person. In Germany, I participated in a demonstration for the first time in my life, and realized the tolerance of accepting diversity regardless of race, nationality, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Every day was full of stimulus. However, I realized that I lacked knowledge while the people of my age were seriously thinking about making the society a better one. My friends frequently debated various issues, including the past war and present social issues, and I deeply regretted that I didn't have enough knowledge. I felt it is important to have an opinion for myself, all the more because there are no answers to the problems, and realized from my heart that you need knowledge to have an opinion.

Becoming a member of UGG again and working as a member of this planet
The company direction aims for and the future I want to move forward to, so naturally, I made the decision to rejoin UGG after returning to Japan. I am just grateful for the company and the managers who welcomed me again. I want to also keep on studying about things I learned in Germany, and am scheduling to study sociology and gender issues in a correspondence university for four years. I am glad that my present direct manager supports my challenge. I believe that everything I study is effective for serving customers at stores and building teamwork at UGG. Our store is located in a corner of the women's wear section of Mitsukoshi Department Store in Nihonbashi, which makes it difficult to sell our products. Many of our customers patronize the department store, and while serving them, we often hear comments such as, "They are for young people, aren't they?" or "They look good on you because the models wear them. At such times, I confidently recommend, "Fashion is for you to enjoy yourself, and you can wear whatever you like! " I try to resolve the worries of customers one by one, listening to their feelings carefully. There are also customers who are vegan or with high awareness on environmental issues, and I tell them about the social activities of UGG, including its ethical efforts through products not using petroleum-based materials. Even if the customers do not purchase at that moment, some decide to purchase on the occasion they come to the store again, so I try to communicate, hoping to develop a trusting relationship on a long-term basis. I hope to contribute in resolving social issues by pursuing my career as a staff member of UGG. It takes time to change something, but I believe that if many people take small actions, this will someday become a large power.

My favorite pair of shoes
It's MAXI SLIDE. I was in love with the product the first time I saw the bold design. Although they have a doughnut-like cute appearance, they also have strength. Because the sole is as thick as 6cm, I first worried it may be hard to walk wearing them, but actually they’re well-cushioned and really relaxing, so I wear them pretty often.
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