A challenge to present UGG in a new way. S・H Sales Associate

My career started during the COVID-19 pandemic.

I have experience of studying abroad, and was always thinking of doing work that uses English. Then, my friend recommended to me that I can use my English skill at UGG. Deckers is a foreign-affiliated company, and I was also interested in apparel, so I started working for the company. It was precisely the timing when the state of emergency was being declared. Since the store was closed, I had a chance to do lots of role play trainings, so I was able to grasp how each customer wants to be approached and how to get closer to our customers when I first approach them, which has been very useful. Especially, because the Osaka Store where I am working is the second concept store of UGG throughout the world, following the store in New York, many customers from different countries constantly arrive. In addition, I realize every day that UGG is a brand that is truly supported by people of all ages. I would like to grow together with the store in such an exciting Osaka store.

Zero inventories achieved by adding changes to display!

Although I was in charge of customer service for a year after joining the company, I have heard the appeal of VMD (visual merchandising) from my senior worker at that time. Store display and how to show the products are the most glamorous aspect of the brand, and I held admiration for the job. I requested a transfer to the job, which was realized in the second year of my career. Furthermore, the Osaka Store had just been refurbished in September 2021. I feel myself standing straighter. Observing the products, I draw the image of display that comes to mind on paper, and then actually place the products according to that drawing. I walk around imagining the flow of customers, and check the positions of products according to the customers' view. There is always a difference with the image in my mind and the actual outcome, so I repeat fine adjustments. It often takes two or three hours without even noticing. Because it is a concept store, new products come in one after another, and the display is also changed accordingly. It is challenging but I feel it is worth the work. In the past, a product was sold out because of my display planning. That was a great moment. I want to give credit to myself.

Chance is meaningful only if you can make good use of it

This is my third year joining the company, and I'm also starting to achieve actual results of VMD, so I am really enjoying my work now. There is also a close relation with the headquarters, so I feel a sense of unity, and all employees get along well with each other, and rather than competing with each other, they are able to improve each other. And we have great culture. It all comes down to the fact that our cusotmers and employeeslove UGG. Hence, such great culture. During the peak season, the sales are really amazing. I was shocked at how fast they sold out. At the same time, I was happy realizing anew the deep love of customers for UGG. It is a great pleasure for me to be in charge of the display of such space. I want to grow more by first being promoted to a team leader here in the Osaka Store that developed me. I will make the most of opportunities in the environment I am given. I remember the time when I studied abroad, crying every day because there were hardly any Japanese people there, but tried to think positively that the environment gives me a chance to improve my English skill further. Now, I am living my life with all my might.

My favorite pair of shoes

ULTRA MINI is my favorite. They perfectly fit my feet that are a bit wide, so it really feels comfortable wearing them. During the first peak season after I joined the company, I was impressed with the popularity of ULTRA MINI that flew off from the shelves. This pair reminds me of how I felt at that time.


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